#include #include #include "transition.h" using namespace std; // consider the following markov chain: // state 0: search has not finished, and target has 0 errors within KK positions // state 1: search has not finished, and target has 1 error within KK positions // ... // state W: search has not finished, and target has W errors within KK positions // state W+1: have finished by finding target // state W+2: have finished with systematic-form failure // initial state is 0...W // chance of state e: binomial(KK,e)*binomial(N-KK,W-e)/binomial(N,W) vector> transition_zero(bigint W) { vector> result; vector zerorow; for (bigint v = 0;v <= W+2;++v) zerorow.push_back(0); for (bigint u = 0;u <= W+2;++u) result.push_back(zerorow); return result; } vector> transition_identity(bigint W) { vector> result = transition_zero(W); for (bigint u = 0;u <= W+2;++u) result.at(u).at(u) = 1; return result; } static map,vector>> transition_weightstep_cache; // output[u][v] is chance that a type-3 exchange of X columns moves state u to state v vector> transition_weightstep(bigint N,bigint KK,bigint W,bigint X) { tuple key = make_tuple(N,KK,W,X,bigfloat::get_default_precision()); if (transition_weightstep_cache.count(key)) return transition_weightstep_cache[key]; vector> result = transition_identity(W); bigfloat denom = bigfloat(binomial(N-KK,X)*binomial(KK,X)); for (bigint u = 0;u <= W;++u) { for (bigint v = 0;v <= W;++v) { bigint resultuv = 0; bigint d = u-v; if (d > X && d < -X) continue; for (bigint i = 0;i <= W-u;++i) { if (X-i < 0) continue; if (d+i < 0) continue; if (X-d-i < 0) continue; if (X-i > N-KK-W+u) continue; if (d+i > u) continue; if (X-d-i > KK-u) continue; resultuv += binomial(W-u,i)*binomial(N-KK-W+u,X-i)*binomial(u,d+i)*binomial(KK-u,X-d-i); } result.at(u).at(v) = bigfloat(resultuv)/denom; } } transition_weightstep_cache[key] = result; return result; } vector> transition_checksystematic(bigint W,bigint X,bigint Y) { vector> result = transition_identity(W); bigfloat success; assert(X <= Y); // what's the chance that an XxY matrix has rank X? // 1/2^Y chance of first row failing // if it's ok: 1/2^(Y-1) chance of second row failing // ... // so overall chance (1-1/2^Y)(1-1/2^(Y-1))...(1-1/2^(Y-X+1)) bigfloat log05 = -log1p(bigfloat(1)); success = 1; for (bigint pos = Y;pos > Y-X;--pos) success *= -expm1(pos*log05); for (bigint u = 0;u <= W;++u) { result.at(u).at(u) = success; result.at(u).at(W+2) = 1-success; } return result; } // pr: conditional probability of finding target given P errors vector> transition_found(bigint W,bigint P,bigfloat pr) { vector> result = transition_identity(W); assert(P <= W); result.at(P).at(P) = 1-pr; result.at(P).at(W+1) = pr; return result; } vector> transition_multiply(bigint W,const vector> &T0,const vector> &T1) { vector> result = transition_zero(W); for (bigint t = 0;t <= W+2;++t) for (bigint u = 0;u <= W+2;++u) { bigfloat T0tu = T0.at(t).at(u); if (T0tu.definitely_zero()) continue; for (bigint v = 0;v <= W+2;++v) result.at(t).at(v) += T0tu*T1.at(u).at(v); } #ifdef TRANSITION_RENORMALIZE // renormalize for better floating-point stability for (bigint t = 0;t <= W+2;++t) { bigfloat x = 0; for (bigint u = 0;u <= W+2;++u) x += result.at(t).at(u); if (x <= 0) continue; x = 1/x; for (bigint u = 0;u <= W+2;++u) result.at(t).at(u) *= x; } #endif return result; } vector> transition_power(bigint W,const vector> &T,bigint e) { assert(e >= 0); if (e == 0) return transition_identity(W); if (e == 1) return T; vector> result = transition_power(W,T,e/2); result = transition_multiply(W,result,result); if ((e&1) != 0) result = transition_multiply(W,result,T); return result; }